Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We have been very BUSY BEEs !!!!

It's been a couple of weeks since I was able to blog, not that we haven't been doing anything around here....simply because things just won't slow down!!! First of all, we are preparing for Riley's first dance recital! It seems that I am reliving my childhood....its just such a blessing that I get to watch her enjoy something that used to be such a big part of my life. We took dance pictures and actually put " a little" makeup on her. It was the first time we every did that....and she was soooo excited! It was the cutest little thing I ever saw! I love that babygirl soooo much! We can't wait for her to ( or not to) perform on the big stage!!! She sure looks like an angel though!

Mr Gavin has been teething pretty bad lately. He is now cutting 3 of his molars, so he is just not having the best of days! He has his moments where he is super happy....then he gets really whiny! Thats ok...just more for mommy to love! He is getting sooo big. His new thing is to run and climb on the fireplace and it sound like he is preaching. He will do this for an hour! He loves to yell, "JUMP" out of no where...except i don't think he understands the defference between JUMP and BOUNCE. lol. He is very verbal, however, I think he likes to speak in Chinese! He's a HAM!

I on the other hand have been getting creative making Riley some new hairbows. I really enjoy making them! It's pretty fun! Here are my first ones! Also we have finished redoing Mr Glenn's china cabinet he made to match our house. We ended up using it as two separte pieces instead of the china cabinet. It came out pretty good considering how much work it was....NEVER AGAIN!

And our landscaping is about 80% done....I'm too exhausted to even take pictures of it though! =)

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